Valley Films

Music as Medicine……..funded by Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group. This film was screened at a NHS conference attended by GP’s, Clinical Professors, service users and projects funded by LCCG.

Sorina’s Story…….a true story raising awareness on Human trafficking in the UK - this film is entirely based on a real-life experience using police transcripts taken from an interview with a victim of Human Trafficking. Funded by BAWSO - provision of safe services for BME communities. This film was first screened at the International Conference on Human trafficking in the Welsh Assembly Building in Cardiff attended by service users, Members of European Parliament and relevant Charities. WARNING - VIEWERS MAY FIND SOME SCENES DISTRESSING AND CONTAINS ADULT THEMES.

Carolyn’s Secret - Funded by Liverpool Council Councillors Initiative Fund. One of our service users and local residents shares her story of the loss of her daughter - Carolyn - to SUDEP - Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. This film was made to increase awareness of SUDEP and was screened at one of SUDEP’s annual National Conferences.

Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) is when a person with epilepsy dies suddenly and prematurely and no reason for death is found. ~Please contact for more information.


October Half Term


Valley Youth Theatre